
I Know



3 Years
Extra large
04-25-2014, 04:37 PM

Being considered useless to the pack was something that Kismet would have taken both joy and offence from. These wolves had left him here as a Prisoner, not helped he and Soren to escape and he certainly wasn't about to help them in any way. To be called useless wasn't exactly a compliment though, regardless of the situation and it was fortunate that such thoughts weren't spoken aloud. Eris was hardly making progress as it was really, he'd received a potentially useful bit of information but highly doubted this meeting was really worth the time. What had she even wanted him for?

He didn't return the pleasantries from the introduction, it had after all taken some prompting to get the Adravendi child to speak his name in the first place. Instead however a question would leave his lips; "Why did you call me?" It was something that was likely to bother him now he thought upon it again, it'd slipped his mind for a moment with other topics though he was certainly still curious as to what the female actually wanted.

Hunting was something that he and Soren had needed to practice upon arriving in Glaciem, slowly but surely Kismet could say he had improved, though by no means could he really be considered a particularly skilled hunter. He got by and for now it was good enough. Not really wanting to ask anything of Eris he simply shook his head in response. "I'm fine." Perhaps later he'd try go hunting with Soren but he didn't suddenly need someone stepping in to look after them now. A part of him was tempted to ask for help escaping, though he kept his mouth shut, certainly not trusting her enough just yet to share and form any sort of plan of escape. For all he knew it'd end up being a trap that might put he and Soren in a worse position than they already were.