
I'll be right beside you, dear



04-25-2014, 05:00 PM

He knew what this journey ment for her, and he had this hope settling in his stomach that this would be the last piece of the puzzle that she needed, this would be her way of putting Fern to rest. He knew that she would never forget, and nor would he want her to. He knew that she would always miss her child, and he never expected it to be otherwise. But he still hoped that this would be a massive step down the road to recovery. He felt her lean closer to him and he wrapped his tail about her as they walked, offering her his comfort and presence, he knew also that this would not be easy.

They where reaching the spot, he could feel it in the tension of Twig and the way she averted her eyes from a mound before them. He would feel it as a gentle wind would pick up around them. Merge gently against their fur, and whisper past his ear with the softness of words. He could almost hear a gentle voice against its back, but shook his head to free of the fancy and brought his attention back to Twig in time to see her fall to the ground and the weeping to begin. He would gently kneel beside her, whisper his nose against her fur and breath in the familiar scent of her. He would sigh into her coat as the cool of the failing day would settle around them in the form of a light wind, mist and rain. He would rise, pick up her fallen flowers and move to the mound to place them gently against the earth where the girl had been laid to rest. He would bow his head so that his crown would touch against the earth and he would close his eyes. ?I think I would have liked to met you Fern, to show you this world? he whispered. I would have raised you as my own beside Twig if she allowed me to, neither of you would have been alone. I wish only that you would have had the chance to see who your mother was, to see this pack who would have loved you...? he broke of his thoughts, shaking himself free of the what ifs and looking at the mound with sad eyes, surprised to feel a trace of tears against his cheek.

He would move away from the grave and back to Twig, he would curl up around her and hold her, again he would breath in her scent, everything that made her her. He would reach his head forward and gently, he would catch a fallen tear against his muzzle as he held her. ?my dear, you are not alone, you will never have to face the world alone? he would whisper to her, and then he would fall silent and hold her as she mourned.
