
Baby, it's cold outside [ Joining ]


04-25-2014, 05:46 PM
There was only one thing she despised about the north, and that was the snow. She remembered her complaints, when she first met her father, as she spoke with him from on top of a boulder to keep the icky substance from her fur. She'd went on to live in Glaciem, where the snow constantly drove her insane, but she stayed because she had found her family, and a little discomfort was worth that. Now she ruled Tortuga, and even though she had her own pack, she was still stuck in the North. She wasn't ready to move the small force away from the home they knew, and with so many packs in the land she wasn't sure where she would move them too anyways. Granted, the snow wasn't as thick on the ground as it would become but in the middle of Autumn, it was already layering the once green grass. Shelves of ice were building and she constantly had to change her paths to avoid stepping in drifts of snow.

While patrolling the lake border, she caught the scent of a stranger and slowly made her way towards it. She was curious as to who was at her border, were they seeking someone or something. Coming around a particularly large snow covered boulder, she saw the wolf that she had scented and caught he words he spoke on the breeze. Stepping forward and into sight she spoke, "Then it seems we have something in common." She spoke, her ears flicking a stray snowflake off of them. "Roman Armada, Queen of Tortuga- the packs border you're so very near too." She said her tone blunt, to the point. She eyed the man, taking in the rich browns of his coat. Who was he?