



04-25-2014, 07:10 PM

As the russet man got to his feet, it came to her realization for probably the millionth time that he was smaller than her. His incredulous stare held hers as he closed the distance between them, standing almost nose to nose with her, and then burying his face in her neck. For a moment, she was shocked. Had it been that bad, then? Were they the only survivors? A tea cupped paw raised from the ground, wrapping about his body and resting on his shoulder as she rested her cranium upon his bowed neck. Magenta pools fell closed as a relieved smile crept onto her dark lips, and she stroked her cousins shoulder with her pad. It was good to be reunited, even if that meant there might not have been hope for the rest of the family. He pulled away, and she dropped her paw back to the warm space under her tail. As Gus' tongue caressed her shoulder, she returned the favour and lightly dragged her tongue atop his crown, smiling at him.

Then the fateful inquiry was posed, not that it was surprising. A small sigh escaped her lips, shrouded in a puff of mist. She managed a sad smile, petite shoulders shrugging.
"I was in the northern lands at the time, checking for any signs of the caribou herds. When it started, I ran to the meeting place, and found no one there. So, I headed for the sea and prayed the rumors were true. And what about you, August, how did you manage it?"
Her explanation was rough, the most essential details given. It didn't matter now, it was over and she was here. However, that did not stop her from being curious about how Gus had managed to survive. He would have been in the warmer areas, and there could have been any number of disasters there.

Another question, one she did not have an answer to. For all she knew, they were all dead. Even worse, she had not landed safely when she escaped the falling ground and this was heaven, or something of the like. All she did was shrug now, frowning a little. Her cousin was just as alone as she, and there was a possibility that it was just the two of them now. Well, they'd have to make do with that. He admitted that it was at least good they had survived, especially as part of the Solstice packs.
"Yes it is."
She murmured quietly, her honey sweet voice laced with the barest traces of sorrow. Her frosty breath created a veil before her face, where only her eyes were visible upon exhale.
"What do you think we should do now, August?"
The alabaster femme inquired, raising an eyebrow curiously. It was not her business to be deciding what they do, she was still tired from her journey. Maybe they could both use some rest, and then collaborate on a plan. No matter, Gus could make their plans for now if necessary. The ashen tip of her plush banner twitched absently as she turned her gaze outside for a moment.