It seemed that her brutal honesty had not frightened the girl away. She had expected the yearling to turn tail and run after learning what Olympus was about, given her inexperience and lack of strength. Instead she took on an air of determination that Natalya had not expected. Her tail swished in approval. There was no point in wasting time from here on out.
"If you are certain that you are prepared for the tests life in Olympus will offer you, then you are welcome to join us. First, however, you must agree to be loyal to the Olympus family and to obey the laws of the pack. Pack laws are fairly basic - you must respect our allies, you must defend our borders, and you must always work to ensure the well-being of the pack. Can you agree to all of these things?" She would pause for the girl's answer before continuing.
"Second, you must choose an area to specialize in. This can be either hunting, healing, or fighting. You will train for this position under a current member of Olympus until the time comes that you are ready to be promoted. Which seems most appealing to you?""Speech"