


04-25-2014, 07:24 PM

As the damsel's rough tongue lapped over his cold skin, he could no help but to get closer for warmth. As the pearly woman spoke of her story of survival, the mocha boy could only nod, then told his own tale.

"I was at our denning site, helping my mother, Summer, tend to the herbs and heal our wounded warriors from recent hunts and fights with the rebelling rogues in our lands. Then the earth began to convulse and swallowed all I knew. The last words my mother said before she was torn by the earthen gods was to flee to this land they call Alacritia." The man's honey gaze settled above to his taller cousin and then stayed put as her chest rumbled when she spoke. "What do you think we should do now, August?" The summer child's orange ears swiveled forth as he heard the query, pondering it briefly. What would they do? How would the story continue from here? The young man simply replied, Ina righteous voice he used often as a child for fun. "We will look for our other cousins, and perhaps start the Solstices and Equinoxes once more. One thing I have noticed about these lands, is that they almost represent the seasons. The north, here, representing winter, the east representing spring, the west representing summer, and the south representing autumn. This could truly work out for all of us..."
