



04-25-2014, 07:44 PM

Her cousin pressed a little closer now, no doubt seeking warmth in the wintery air that surrounded them. His own story proved to be a little more interesting than her own, despite the insinuated losses. With the tale came a name, Alacritia. So that was the name of these lands, the fabled site of refuge for them. She nodded her head slowly, acknowledging his speech while she absorbed it. She had not been with her own mother, nor her siblings. Guilt threatened to assuage her now, for simply abandoning them. However, it seemed pointless to fret over it now, the past could not be changed.

Her cousin continued to address her query, his voice becoming comical as he tried to speak like a strong man, like he was in command now. His plan seemed relatively smart, straightforward. However, the thought of beginning again did not help them for what they should be doing at this point in time. However, she nodded her head once more in acknowledgment.
"It could, it could. But don't you think we should see what the rest of the family thinks before just going ahead and starting this again? Some of us might want to settle down somewhere else and enjoy life without the burden of Solstices and Equinoxes."
Soft lyrics would point out, her magenta gaze still fixed on the landscape outside. Some part of her wanted to see what the rest of the world was like, if it functioned differently from at home. What if she liked it better the way things were here? Would that make her a traitor to the family? Probably not, but the thought did pose itself. Her ash tipped plume flicked once more, tall ivory audits flickering as birds chirped outside. No doubt they were just passing overhead, migrating to warmer places.