
Study Buddy



5 Years
04-25-2014, 08:20 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Healer training was coming along well. Max was ever willing to teach her everything that he knew, and his patience was seemingly endless. Callisto was grateful of it since it meant no matter what she said, no matter if she made a stumble or progressed further than expected, he was always ready to help. In a way she admired his skill and willingness to teach; had it been her in his paw steps she was not certain she could do the same. She was cold, blunt, and typically impatient. She would have run any students away before they could learn much, or so she assumed.

As a means of repayment to the Sola Knight who taught her, she had decided to go out of her way to find something for him, an important herb of some kind that he might find useful. Of course, her knowledge was still limited to what he had told her, which lacked the sort of plant she wanted to find, but Callisto was unbothered by it. She had a keen nose, and she hoped it might lead her to something useful, something that she did not recognize but that obviously held importance of some kind.

Moving outside of the boundaries that were now familiar the grey and black yearling wolf left the mainland and followed a thin land bridge to one of the surrounding islands, figuring if anywhere in Alacritia was going to harbor a rare medicinal plant it would be one of them. She had felt a slight disappointment in finding that it was mainly occupied by coniferous woods but being already there she had kept going, eventually giving up on her hunt and instead using the quiet isolation of the island to study. There was meadowsweet, earth smoke, alfalfa. Were dandelions as common here as they were on the mainland?

But before she could get too far the skies had opened up. Heavy cloud cover had lingered throughout the day but Callisto had been too set on her mission to turn back because of potential bad weather. Now she was paying for it, seeking shelter and cover beneath the thick pine forests as she watched the ocean waters across the distance dance underneath the onslaught from above. Would the land bridge even be passable now? Silvery blue eyes half lidded in an irksome, unimpressed scowl, Callisto sighed. least the island was empty.

Image by Maka.