
I'll be right beside you, dear

Twig I


04-25-2014, 10:21 PM
She would be aware of Alpine's comforting presence throughout her whole ordeal. Though the actions she would take were completely necessary that fact alone would never be able to ease the pain of looking upon her own child's grave. Her sobs were soft, the sounds but sad gentle whispers as her body would shake with her sorrow. Small sniffles would be performed as her nose would caress the loose earth that held her child. She would wish so hard that it was her warm embrace holding the girl instead of the cold ground. She would barely feel her companions first touch as she was consumed by the magnitude of her loss. He would catch her eye as the brightly colored flowers were placed with care upon the girl's grave. Barely she would hear his voice gently speak to her daughter, and as his thoughts leaned towards regret so would her own. Why had she been taken, with out even a chance to say hello. Her marked features would turn to Alpine, blurry red eyes taking in the tear shed for the lost pup. She would feel a rough sigh leave her lips as the ivory male would move to her side, she would move to push herself further into his embrace. Ever thankful for the presence he would offer, the massive amount of comfort he would provide. She would wrap herself in him, clinging to him instead of her terrible grief. His kind words would assure her, she was not alone nor would she ever be. "Alpine, thank you. I don't.. I don't want to face it..." with out you. through her trial in Valhalla the man had been a constant for her, one of the very few she could count on. He was always there when she needed a shoulder to weep on, and had even caused her to smile. How could she go on with out him? Still though tears would fall from her lips and her long journey would only be too apparent.?