
There's an endless road to rediscover


04-26-2014, 11:52 AM

A lot of things had gone down during the pairs absence. Valhalla had been taking over by a glaciem woman only to be promptly abandoned. His aunt Chrys was no longer in shape to be ruling a pack and so the healer Erani had decided to take the reigns and re-make Valhalla once again and they were strong as ever. The Adravendi didn't mind the change in leadership. He had only met Erani a few times since his return to Alacritis all those seasons ago, but she was a wise old woman and he knew she would be able to help bring the pack back to it's former glory. And he was not disappointed.

Even though their little pre-honeymoon had been great, they needed to return to the pack. Valhalla needed them and they needed their family and besides, Gael had a wedding that he needed to plan with his fiance. It was time that he announced to everyone that he was going to spend the rest of his life with Meili. He had allowed her to get back to the mainland ahead of him, sticking back to clean up their little den that they had picked out during their extended leave. He was feeling very...homey for some reason and plus, he wanted to sneak some pretty flowers from the island to bring Meili once they got back to the mainland.

She hadn't argued with him about staying behind and so as he trotted back to the old Valhalla territory, he would arrive proudly with a bundle of wildflowers clenched in his jaws. And just in time to catch Erani saying something about a wedding ceremony. He would come up beside Meili, nuzzling her gently as he dropped the flowers at her paws before turning towards Erani, bowing before her in greeting. My queen Erani. What is this that I hear, talking about a wedding ceremony without me? he would chuckle, his attention suddenly drawn to the other male who was in the little group. He smelled faintly of Meili. Was this other man related to his fiance? He supposed he would find out.

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