
When I'm Gone


04-26-2014, 12:06 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2014, 12:14 PM by Cherokee.)

He had been gone for too long. But not by his own choice. Well in a way it was, but it was more of a forced choice than anything else. At one point in time his wife had gotten severely ill and Cherokee had been the one there to take care of her through it all. Fate seemed to have a twisted sense of humor, throwing a similar illness on the ebony knight, though he was sure it wasn't nearly the same one as the one that had struck his wife. It was a bad one of he had ever caught an illness and the severity of it had scared him enough to cause him to seek shelter outside of the pack territory. He was terrified that he would pass it on to his wife and children, especially with the new litter that Song had given birth to. He had been gone so long that he was sure the new children were already pretty grown. He had barely met his children when they were born before he had isolate himself for fear of infecting them. Were they aware that he was their father? He was sure Song had told them about him, but he would still feel guilty nonetheless for not being there with them all the time.

With a somber expression dominating his features, the charcoal brute would make his way back to the borders of his pack, nostrils quivering as the familiar scent of Song tickled his senses. His little Angel. How had she been faring since his disappearance? He stop just shy of the border, skull inclining upwards as he called out to his family, hoping to meet his new children and reconcile with his wife. After a moment he would drop his skull, ivory jade and silver eyes scanning the area, ivory and ebony ears swiveling this way and that, waiting to see if he would get a response. Would they come?

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