
Baby, it's cold outside [ Joining ]


04-26-2014, 06:10 PM
He questions the numbers she mentions and she nods, "Arcanum, Glaciem, Ebony, and Valhalla... the other three, I do not know their names- yet." She explains briefly, it's a fact that will change soon. He explains his journey- the fact that he is seeking family, and it's a story that she can empathize with all to well. "I was in a position similar to yours, not to long ago. It's something I understand all to well- seeking family." He does admit that he would like to join the ranks of Tortuga, and she nods, "If you're seeking family August, we can become your family. That is perhaps my biggest goal in Tortuga. Yes, I want every wolf here to be capable in hunting, fighting, or healing- but these are all learned traits. What I seek most in my potential members, is their ability to be part of my family."

She pauses for a moment, before speaking again. "You seem physically capable of learning a trade, and I am willing to teach you should you want to learn, August. I can offer you a home here, a family. I can also offer you help in searching for the family you long to find." This offer is more a personal mission for her, she understands all to well what it is like to be alone in the world. "Given my rather long spill, do you think that Tortuga is where you want to be?" She puts him on the spot now, questioning what he wants.