
A frozen Waste


02-08-2013, 11:32 AM
When Ookami woke up it was a bright sunny day and it was warmer than it was last night. She kept warm with Thane next to her and she slept great. Ookami walked out of the den and let out a Yawn and stretched. Her green eyes scanned the iced land and sat down on her haunches, her mind went to Thane and last nite when he said he would love to have puppies. The thought of that made her happy that her tail begun to sway with joy. This was it they would begin there journey to find there home and get things back to the way they were before all this happened.

Her mind went to the thought of puppies and she smiled with the thought of little ones running around her. She would enjoy that very much and her mind was racing with names, she was excited about this but it would be a bit before they could try and she knew that. Ookami wanted to make sure that her puppies would have a safe place to grow up. And a pack is just that, the perfect place to do that. She let out a sigh and gazed up in to the sky, it made life seems perfect and she loved that about the sky, it made days seem better than what there were.