



8 Years
Extra large
05-02-2014, 11:55 PM

The man went on walking atop the ridges, tail swinging gently behind him in small strokes. Left ear flicked to the side, bird chirping momentarily catching his attention. It didn't appear that there were any rogues in the claimed lands, nose sure to keep sniffing at the light breeze moving around his body. And so he would allow his attention to go towards two bird flying together, rising and falling in their dance. So peaceful. The moment caused his eyes to close, head lifting and taking in a long and deep breath, cool, crisp air filling his lungs for a mere five seconds before he finally released. Relaxing.

Till a voice suddenly spoke up beside him.

Completely caught off guard, a surprising high toned yip escaped his lips. Something odd since you would expect a man like him to remain collected and aware of his surroundings, and even if a sound came from him, it wouldn't be a small girly yip like the one Deviant made at Erani's ninja sneak. Not only did he squeak, his body had done a small hop to the right and someone managed to turn so that his front half was closer to her than his rear.

?Lady Erani!? Surprised tones spoke, almost with an amused chuckle. His head would swing down to his shoulder, a paw lifting off the ground and pressed against his forehead in clear embarrassment. ?You are a sneaky one.? He added, lifting his head with a small shake. Nerves quickly settling, fur laying flat against his body. He was shocked that she was able to be so silent and unnoticed long enough to appear beside him.

Taking a breath the man chuckled once more, warm. ?Besides my Alpha sneaking up on me, I find that it is a friendly little community with looots of members.? Brows raised at the lots part, he never saw such a large pack before, it was quite amazing.
