
Your Words Have Haunted Me


04-26-2014, 06:37 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2014, 06:42 PM by Sonrisa.)

The beast struggled to hold in a moan. The desire between her legs was beginning to burn now, becoming almost painful as the time dragged on. Her tail flicked at the male, tickling him in tempting places. As he let the crisp giggle slip past his lips, so too did a deep chuckle from hers. He whispered his name in her ear. His breath was rough and smelled of blood, somehow arousing her even more. Perhaps she was thinking of that breath on her neck. Those teeth digging into her scruff, drawing pain and blood and terrible pleasure. She sighed shakily. "Well, then, Savvy..." Sonrisa murmured, her tongue sliding across the edge of his ear. "Do whatever you-"

The monstrous girl was just about to give the perverted man permission to begin when he suddenly locked his weight around her, biting into her flesh with awful force. She let out an indignant snarl, furious that Savvy had decided to start before she was ready. He had not yet made his move, of course, but this was irritating nonetheless. Sonrisa squirmed beneath his grip, wincing angrily as the scruff between her shoulders protested the movement. She tucked her head a bit and rolled her shoulders back, bunching the fur together so that the pressure of his teeth would be less painful. Then she bucked up, her rump knocking into the man's lower abdomen. Hopefully this would deter him enough so that she could shake herself free of his imprisonment.

"You don't own me, mongrel," She hissed, looking into his lustful green eye. Her tongue danced viciously across her teeth. "Don't you ever try to take advantage of me like that again. If you do, you won't get any satisfaction tonight. Maybe you won't even get to keep your balls." Her voice was harsh as she snapped at him. Then, after a pause, the scent in the air persisted. If he behaved, he would get his way. After all, the beast was still horny as hell.