
Rain on my parade



2 Years
04-26-2014, 08:12 PM

The soaking form of the girl would push her way past the drenching flows of water and into the safety of the den. Yes, there was definitely the smell of wet fur and she looked to be carrying half a lake against her coat. She had the grace to move away from the boy before shaking out her coat, but still a few stray droplets would touch against his fur. He grumbled beneath his brief, but really it was only half-hearted and mostly due to his annoyance at the storm that stranded him here. She lost perhaps half her bulk once she had freed herself of the water, but he could see still that she was a big wolf, perhaps with a strong lineage behind her. ( (; )

she was making her way back to him now, to his view of the outside world at the occasional cool blow of wind. He would offer her a grin as she seemed to sigh with relief to the freedom from the rain that this cave offered. She would lay down near him and he would shift himself to better met her eyes ? and better take in this stranger. She had peculiar eyes, each holding a different shade, like two side of a coin, with the cool luminescent of blue in one, and the fiery bolds of red in another. She too would offer a glare to the harsh world outside, and it would somehow ease some of his own agitation. He was definitely not the only one to suffer this night, and perhaps some company would ease the slow hours until this cleared.
?I'm somewhat new to this whole place, still got an itch to explore in my feet. Plus, meeting strange wolves is always a different experience? he said, yes flicking from her to the rain and smiling again. ?Did you get a bite to eat to eat in the end then?' he asked, to add to the conversation.

"My sounds""My Soul"