


04-26-2014, 08:17 PM

Othello's speech

"A waste of time I am not."

Cries of horror came to Sinister's sunken ears, a war plagued it's way throughout her hushed being. The voices inside of her head raged on, whispering a tall tale that only herself could bare to hear. 'Ssssinissster... Kill thissss foolisssh dame... Make her bleed..' The hissing didn't stop, the demonic words attacked at the caged monster inside of her. She felt it deep within her bones, it's crackling growl developed in her throat only to be realized with such cruelty that not even the devil himself could handle. As much as this fae was trying to hold back the beast, it grew stronger by Othello's wrath. Almost like it was feeding upon her everlasting layers of sentimental disorders of pure madness. All at once the demon unleashed itself upon the female and everything faded to red, her vision blurred and Sinister was shoved aside by the power purge of her devilish puppet master. Nothing will be remembered after this, she has snapped and only the grace of god could these two she-wolf's be saved.

"I should be worth someone's time for once. I have had enough of being beaten and scarred, enough of being told that I am not good enough. I am who I am, and you cannot change that!"

While Sinister sat back and became the host of her own body her demon was wrapping it's tentacles around the situation. Watching through stern, cold silver eyes that promised death. Her words cut the icy surface, like metal on metal action had her treacherous brutality began. Heavy grunts vibrated against her concealed maw, breathing hot steam from the bullet holes of her nostrils as they flared. From how close these two females were it would seem that they were conjoined twins, but of course all barriers need to be broken. Like this for example.

" Sssuch big words for sssomeone ssso ssmall."

With those few words put to gather by the damned fae, she will soon have her round with this female. Not at all afraid of her well programmed speech, it was put together with courage and a whole lot of treachery. It would seem to Sinister that this femme wears her tragedies as shackles, much like she did, but neither of these two wore them as armor. Maybe that was one of the problems, maybe that's one thing they are alike in rather than being so differently articulately toned. And yet the female still did not know how to keep her mouth shut. Othello again went on preaching her rights.

"I will be suppressed no longer by a stranger. I will stand my ground."

?Kill her, Sssinister? Kill her? Ssshe doesssn't dessserve to live? Sssuch foolisssh bloodssshed? It?sss not needed? Ssshe hasss no idea how to kill... Get rid of her? Get rid of thisss ssshe-wolf? Kill her Sssinister.. Tassste her blood, feel it beneath your pawsss... Do it.. Kill her.? Ssshow her what real killing isss all about...? The voices inside of her head repeated once more, making her muscles stark to ache from the tenseness they were receiving. How urging it was to lunge at the young women, and indeed she almost had. Though more nonsense fell from her venomous tongue.

"Then stand your ground you should, for when the time comes there will be no saving you. If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you shall get. But do realize what you are getting yourself into little one.." Casing her blood-tainted tongue over her victorious canines that flashed dangerous at the females face. Certainly her words were meant to cut deep, hoping to make something inside of Othello snap and she will be greeted with someone more worth fighting. Oh how Sinister wanted her to attack, wanting to observe her skills, and use them to her advantage. Though it wouldn't take long within the battle for the she-wolf to plead for sanity, for redemption.

Walk,"Talk", Think