
The End


04-26-2014, 08:34 PM

What in the hell had happened to land her in this position? Oh right, she'd been jumping from ledge to ledge, around the gorge, exploring the cracks and crevices, when she found a small path, that apparently led to the top. She had followed it because she was apparently and idiot, and hadn't paid much attention to the loose rocks that she was walking on, until the earth gave way- out from under her. She barely had time to react, rushing forward as the rocks crumbled beneath her, twisting and falling through the ground, it was mere moments till she felt herself falling. Long ivory legs flailed at the ground grabbing for anything- any traction she could possibly get. She saw a root sticking out from the ground and she grabbed it between her jaws, whimpering as she felt it give way, then letting out a sigh as it stopped.

That was what had brought here here, dangling by her front paws and jaws from the side of a cliff, wondering how in the hell she was going to get out of this mess. Making the mistake of looking down, she felt her stomach nearly harden. She wasn't sure how she'd make it out of this. She was going to die, from falling off a cliff. Well, fuck.
