
Stranger [Aria]


04-01-2013, 01:25 AM

Harlequin relaxed in the thick grass, her heavy bodice sprawled out with little care or grace. She huffed, her massive chest rising sharply and falling. Onyx eyes would star about the forest with little interest or care. She was here for a brief rest and nothing more. She would move on, find something else to occupy her time and attention and continue on her way. Onyx orbs slid shut as her jaws splayed wide in another fierce yawn, revealing rows of thick and jagged ivory teeth as her jaws clicked together her tongue would fall from ebony lips to lick her chops. She grew bored in this world of wolves, wondered vaguely if she ever would encounter her own kind, it seemed unlikely.

The scent of a stranger piqued her placid mind and she perked up slightly. Her dark gaze drifting over the landscape, she caught the wolf in her peripheral vision, her excitement falling slightly when she realized what creature it was. Of course... why would it be something else? This was a land of wolves, which meant this world was insane... great. maybe she should simply leave. Ah well, she had called to the wolf, there was little she could do to change her mind now. The wolfs darted behind trees playing coy, and Harlequin watched her carefully.

She was not afraid of wolves, had been in the beginning, for the singular fact that her height was much smaller than most... but then she quickly grew to realize that the power and the musculature she possessed in her jaws and her upper body gave her the strength to shatter bone and crunch through muscle with ease, once she got herself a good hold upon a shoulder, a leg... the fight was over. Bones were crushed and broken, rendered useless. She did not fight for fun.

She sprung from the trees like a new born pup, Harlequin drew her legs beneath her, ready to spring if this came down to a war. Her dark eyes bore into the scared dames and she waited, debating on how to reply to the dames quick words. her jaws parted and a deep baritone she responded, humor laced in her speech. "I've heard worse introductions..."