
The End


04-26-2014, 08:57 PM
He ignores her sarcasm for now; perhaps later he will remark about how bitter she was when he was saving her god damn life. For now, he needs to pull her to safety. His warrior?s build works for him this time around; she slips back down once but he holds soundly, nearly falling down for a moment himself. No, he will not die today, and neither will Roman. Finally he manages to pull her up, but not without consequences. She surges forth, knocking him over and landing her standing over him.

His head hits the ground relatively hard, and he is jolted for a moment. ?Don?t do that to me again,? he snaps at her, a rare moment of openness. He isn?t talking about his currently spinning head; he?s talking about scaring him. Fear isn?t an emotion he?s ever experienced, nor is it one that he particularly likes. He feels weak, but he can only be snappy now because she is safe. His breathing settles, and he begins to notice just what position they have found themselves in, but he cannot bring it to himself to comment.

She?s safe, after all, and he can?t focus upon the fact that she?s beautiful and they?re close together. She?s safe and that?s all he cares for in the moment.