
Disjointed Children


04-26-2014, 09:00 PM
Darkness was such a wonderful ally, how it hide the curves of a predator amongst the prey, the way it, stroked along the flesh, the way it slithered against the skin. The way darkness, in all of its forms, hides what was really in the hearts of lesser men. Though those that were wise knew that darkness was a defining precursor to deceit. Which is why the male took pleasure in traveling during the stranglehold of the night.

The man moved quietly, paw pads only lightly settling against the grass, his weight shifting deftly. Soft sounds of crushing foliage was the only thing that herald his passing, as well as the systematic breathing into the night, the way his lungs drew in the air and pushed it out, the predatory sound, the creeping of something malicious through the land, a blight that would not be stopped until nothing was left.

This blight moved though the trees, his fur brushing against the bark, leaving his scent for those who where foolish enough to attempt to tail the man. Something though made him pause; perhaps it was the tree that rose so defiantly over the desolate landscape.

His body stopped it?s motion, eyes slowly twitching sporadically over to the tree, ?int-erest-ing.? Baritones echo about the male, jerking himself into movement he presses the tip of his nose against the tree, before slowly trailing it up against the trunk. Finally when his nose couldn?t go any further, he eases himself off of the ground, front paws coming up and off the ground, claws slashing into the bark before raking downwards, providing the screaming of the tree as it?s bark is forcibly removed from it?s body.

Pleased he releases the tree from his assault, paws smashing against the earth as his weight returns to it. Jaws stiffly part, spreading as the saliva drips between the roof of his mouth and the bottom, tongue slithers out, dangling from between his jaws. Purposefully his left leg swings around, turning the tower of a wolf away from the tree to allow storm calling eyes to gaze out across the land.