
Baby, it's cold outside [ Joining ]


04-26-2014, 09:17 PM
She watches him closely, and makes a mental note to keep an eye on him in the future, offering him assistance when she can. She hopes that he will one day find his family. At his words, she nods, accepting it. "Welcome to Tortuga, August. Your starting rank will be an ancillary, but with training you'll be promoted. My legionary, or beta, Qanik is a kind wolf, if you need something and I'm not here, feel free to ask her or any of the others. " She says, allowing him entrance into her lands, " And if there is anything I can do, to help you find them- Do not hesitate to ask." Her offer is sincere, she will do what she can to help him, perhaps some of his family will come to reside here, or perhaps he'll find peace in at least knowing that they're okay. Either way, she is sincere in her offer and she'll keep an ear out for any of the other Kalendae's. "I'll give you a day or two to settle and then we can speak about training you for a task." She says, then waits to see if he has anything else to add.