
The First Day Of Summer



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-01-2013, 01:50 AM
Her white fur was dappled under the mid-day sunlight as she trundled through the Red Forest. In a way, she felt at home, even though home was to the south and west of this forest. Her eyes scanned the area for herbs that she could take home to her den. She felt heavy, and the odd stirrings in her belly happened regularly. There was little discomfort, however. It just seemed that she was getting fatter. She was sure it was from all the meat Nova had been bringing home. Their eating Alcove was absolutely never empty for more than an hour. The moment it looked like it was going to be empty, he would march out of the den to hunt again. It was puzzling, but she supposed his behavior must have been because he wanted to make sure she was provided for.

She wasn?t all that far off the mark. Her tail wagged as she spotted a small clearing laden with clover, the round blossom heads of red and white sending a sweet scent into the warm, first day of Summer air. She was enjoying the sunny skies. It wasn?t as warm as it would be lower down, nor was it as cold as it still was up toward Glaciem. But it was certainly a relief compared to all the storms Valhalla?d been experiencing lately.

She lowered her head to nip what she needed from the clover.