
The End


04-26-2014, 09:40 PM
Of course she had scared herself, and perhaps another time he might make a sarcastic remark about it, but he is weighed down by how serious this moment is. He almost wishes to hold Roman, to let her know she?s safe, that he has her back, that he wouldn?t have ever let her fall off that cliff. But he stays silent, and hopes the intensity of his eyes lets her know everything she needs. She moves back, as much as he dislikes the fact, leaving him laying down. Reluctantly he stands, bringing himself far taller than his smaller ivory companion.

He realizes he?s never told her of his name, her words falling on his ears as a gentle request. Another day he might playfully deny her his name, but today he will not. ?Faust Dietrich,? he tells her. ?Can I get my kiss now?? he asks innocently, because he almost can?t take this. He doesn?t understand this situation, and he needs to break the moment. Maybe she?ll smack him, or maybe he?ll get lucky enough and she?ll oblige him. He doesn?t mind either way; he doesn?t know what this is, and maybe he?ll find out, but part of him is afraid and doesn?t want to know what the fear in his heart meant.