
Disjointed Children


04-26-2014, 10:22 PM

Soft tissue of torn epithelium manifested the drawn ears of a colossal she-wolf, the muscles of the devoured beast the wolf was ravishing it's hunger upon; were shredded like the rest of it's being. One last tug was all it took for the sociopath to retreat from the corpse before her paws, she mauled the ground violently as her claws raked the earth surface. She stopped for a split second, taking in the looming darkness around her, her sharp unfathomable oculars that illuminated the moonlit night with it's demonic embrace seemed to vibrate pure vengeance off them. Feeling her inner demon start to scratch at the surface, becoming enticingly impatient by the minute. The femme also well known as, Sinister, found herself spinning 'round on her heels to bound forward into the night. Hurling over obstacles that blocked her path, yet she dared not stop -- the evil fae continued on through the thick forest and beyond with no exception of turning back.

Through stimulating eyes, behind a concrete wall, beneath a chilled heart lies a fae whose soul is lost and forgotten. She's rather cold and brutal, blunt and vulgar and as she is these four things that make her who she is, this she-wolf holds the deepest and darkest secrets -- resentment and betrayal. Deep down this ageless, soulless demon whom of which has sold her soul to the devil; has yet to realize that she's a afraid inside. Afraid of her own shadow-self. Though she does not put on her bad girl panties just to fit the role, she was naturally born to raise hell, especially from master-mind killers that she calls her "beloved" parents. No, not really so much beloved. Sinister and her father are not on good terms, they haven't been for centuries now. It is literally, unorthodox that these two parade their hell on this world, seeming as though it is game on between the two. Though, Sinister is like that one folk-lore, the boy who cried wolf. Well she's the wolf and when a someone cries 'wolf' then they better expect the claws and fangs to introduce themselves to their flesh. Trust me she is a nightmare misery to all who appose her. It's said that she's like a phantom, there one minute, gone the next. Just depends on how quick you are for she could sweep you off your feet without even a single flick of her wrist. Oh, the sneaky and destructive acts of serial killers. Oh, how they can be so; manipulative. While you walk around calling her acts, games, she is out planning to demolish an entire army, to wipe out half the world's saviors -- you believe that in your heart she doesn't think before reacting, but she indeed does. She does it so well to; so, very, well. please take the time to re-enact your thoughts, rewind back to the part where you said she was incapable of when she strikes. Take your time, she has all day and all night. For when you think less of her, she will always come back to bite you in the ass. Notice her as a vampire, when you cross a vampire, they come back to bite. And it's not too pretty afterwards for this female does not stop until she has you right where she wants you. Corned, scared, loosening your mind to the point where you start seeing things that aren't actually there. She attacks her next victims with ease, though they know it. She makes sure they know she's coming for them. First it starts with killing a few family members, then friends, then fellow acquiescence's, and then when she knows she has them broken and weak -- that's when she'll strike. Think of this as a killing game. When she puts you on her hit list, there's no taking your name off of it. For she will hunt you, she will find you, and she will kill you..


" No more, please!" Croaky and well hoarse voice slurred as blood drained from the brute's mouth. His ear bleeding cries of pain and despair made Sinister's blood start to pulse violently through her veins -- offering a more exclusive adrenaline rush that she was basking in. Certainly this had been her one hundredth kill of this year, so his suffering had to be special. Oh, how she was excited. Her parents may not be proud of what she's become, a blood-thirsty killer like them, but they are dead to her so they have no say on what she does with her life. Even if they were still alive, she wouldn't take part in listening to them anyhow. Shaking her head down as she gazed through the man's fear-some orbs with her demonic ones. Surely he was going to keep on screaming, so Sinister had to do something about that. Enclosing herself further between them, executing that gap that kept them apart. The blades of her canines glistened against the eerie caliber of vibrant rays of lit darkness. With no hesitations nor deceptions, the she-wolf opened her large maw only to hammer down her mighty jaws onto the males snout -- without a moments notice the femme yanked her crown viciously, taking his entire muzzle with her. He tried to yowl but couldn't, the only thing that he could bare to spill were watery tears. His face was now fully covered in blood and with no remorse or shamelessness Sinister decided to end him. Taking a deep breath to open her mouth open like a dragon, almost like she was going to harvest his soul, but instead she harshly barked in his face. Watching as his eyes drained to a pure white, no pupil left to decorate his eyes. Shutting her maw as the last bit of his glorious soul ravished her insides and once she drank down her own saliva with a mixture of metallic blood, she oozed: " How's that for child play?" Those last few words sounded as if they came from a venomous snake for they hissed and her rich, angelic, ancient Greek accent thundered. Listening to his silent moans of anguish, she harmonized her devious chuckles to his silent empathy . Huffing lightly, Sinister straightened up and took her sweet time getting from point A to point B. Heading off further into the night.
