
Hate Me Today; Hate Me Tomorrow



Extra small
04-26-2014, 10:37 PM

OOC: [ ]

The cretin had never been one to stay out for long. He was a vermin and he needed excitement. That, however, had not been why he left Alacritis. Matter of fact, there had been no good reason for his having done that. Distraction? Perhaps. That was the only amiable excuse he could come up with that did not seem perfectly ridiculous. Least to his eyes. In every one else's he was aware of the fact that they probably thought he was crazier than he actually was. However, it wasn't arguable to say that their concerns we're misplaced. The canine has become a source of worry. A leader that might disappear, a brother that could be dead, and a thorn in the side to his enemies. Briefly; he wondered how Isardis was. ?

? Epiphron appeared and said the exact words that he expected. Did she know how predictable she was? Didn't bother her? Or had she simple accepted it as though she should? It was not a bad trait, exactly. He wondered how fighting her was. Attacking her would be a fun twist...alas he withheld himself from taking to such an adventure. The fiery beast didn't care whose land he was on. His sister was here and that bought him accessibility. If anyone said otherwise he would gladly have taken their crown from their head and changed their impudent little thinking. In his eyes he was
A god pulling down those who opposed him. ?

"never been anything less than bold. Pippy. Glad you recall," there was something fragmented about his speech. It was lacking something. Was it raspy from the smoke of the fire? Was it deepened from age...? No, not the latter. He had been mature before he left. Then what? What was there? Oh, but it was what was not. His voice was clear and almost hollow. Ghostlike and emotionless. That was new for him. Why the emotionless repeal? He would learn later. ?

? "I was distracted. Everyone else was falling down. I watched you walk from a crown. I watched chrysanthe lose hers," pitiful excuse and given that she knew him as she did she would pick up on something more. Syrinx, however, once making his mind about something up was 'til death about it; like he had decided to leave Alacritis he had not been stopped--and like he had decided not to share reasons for leaving with others; he would not. "what is this place anyways. This is not your kingdom,"?
