
Disjointed Children


04-26-2014, 11:48 PM

The man stood there for a moment longer, his eyes narrowing into the darkness as they adjusted to the lack of light. Nothing. Imonde?s mind drew a blank as the stillness of the night enshrouded him in it?s fingers. It was eventually going to drive the man insane, more so than what he already was. So it was of no surprise when his front paws started to slowly slide along the exhausted earth, nails scraping along as he lowered his body down toward the ground, the front part of his chest dipping down as his haunches remained flagged in the air. Jaws slowly made their way apart as he yawned. Hunger, such hunger. When was the last time the male hunted? He could not recall.

?No more, please!? The words cut through the darkness and slammed into his ears like a shockwave. What was taking place under his nose this primitive night? How the creature did wish to find out, but the sounds of a desperate mans pleases wasn?t enough to make the man move from his lounged position. But the tearing of flesh was. Quickly he snaps his jaws closed with an audible click, his haunches pushing forward as he eases his body back into an upright position.

Wetness, it was a sound that he knew well. The sound of flesh being peeled away from the bone, the sound of the absence of mercy, the sound of prey being taken down. Keenly the man flicks his ears forward, head lowering to align with his spine before his neck stretched out. Nostrils flare, the tip of his nose going toward the night sky as he inhales deeply. Blood. The aroma of it was filtered through his nostrils where it took root in the expanse of his mind.

Blood. Lupine blood. A scent that called to him, a scent that he knew quiet well that awakened found memories of home. He couldn?t? help but to wait, his ears notched forward as he still awaited the sound of breaking cartilage, of someone dining. But to his anguish that sound never reached his ears, he would have to invite himself to this feast then, it was only polite to share.

Moving forward his legs did carry him, first at a leisurely wolf trot, then suddenly breaking off into tapered run. The scent of blood grew thicker as he approached the fallen wolf; finally storm eyes caught the object that he was seeking, the battered body of a wolf whose voice was silenced, except for the wet, slick sound of blood choked panting.

Imonde slowly approached the soon to be corpse, his nose pressed against the ground as he circled around the fallen wolf, intently sniffing as he picked up?her scent. Her. The male?s eyes flashed his ill intent, the psychosis brewing behind his gaze as his muscles did begin to tremble in unearthly excitement. Gradually the brute lifts his head, eyes slowly catching the sightless gaze of the man that rests upon the ground, his blood choked gurgle intensifying upon noticing he had the misfortune of meeting yet another that cared not of the value of a life.

?We think, you?ve bit-ten off more than you could chew?? Rattling baritones push leisurely from his body, his gaze glittering his amusement at this other creatures suffering. ?Tho-ugh, we do tha-nk you, how hun-gry we have been.? With that Imonde circles around his scavenged meal, lips peeling back as he teasingly nips at the other male?s stomach before lacerating it, razor fangs slicing into it.

Casually the man takes his time, canines slashing flesh away from bone, breaking through the ribs as he fends off the insanity with a bout of blood. Now what can we bring the vixen that left us this? Hm? His mind did echo, finally his gaze lands on the prey?s heart. Jaws parting once again he wraps them around the pump, just one simple tug rending it from the body of the fallen wolf.

She shall be delicious, we do recon. That thought makes him drop the heart, his head snapping upward toward the night sky as his blood induced hunting call claims the night as it?s own. The creature soon becomes irate, head lurching downwards as he gathers the heart between his jaws, nostrils setting him on a collision course with the female.

Legs pumped under him, paws setting against the ground as he flits off through the night, weaving through trees as he follows her trail. There. His mind does hiss, making him slow his pace as he watches her from afar. Dragging his body along though he does finally approach, the tank built male closing the distance before lurching to a hesitant stop somewhere along her right shoulder. ?We do thi-nk you have lo-st this.? He rumbles as he drops the heart from between his jaws. ?You sme-ll of dea-th, we thi-nk you smell?? His voice pauses for just a moment, his gives himself a moment as his tongue sweeps away the blood of the fallen male from around his teeth. ?de-lect-able.?