
Annihilation Will be Unavoidable



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04-27-2014, 08:51 AM

OOC: [ ]

To be honest, the Titan thought himself to be particularly pretty. He had a plethora of scars and lacerations and his most bold markings weren't even from battle, but self-affliction or accidents. Those accidents had prompted him to be a glorious warlord. Syrinx was proud of who he was, regardless of anyone else's qualms. The Arkhos lowered his head in alignment with his shoulders and studied the Jezebel further. She wasn't remarkably torn or feasted on. Though, there was that look in her eyes. There was that incessant need to prove herself to herself. Fuck the world. That was what he found most impressive. Syrinx, could not disregard the whole world. He had his family and they needed their domain. He wanted to give the world solely to them.

? "it never is fun to relive the same thing; is it?" syrinx knew that the same chaos was something that he would know the outcome of. Changing the face of Alacritis was imperative. In Syrinx's mind isardis had become the face of Alacritis. It was no longer an obsession with proving his family's worth over isardis's own. Now, it was simply about Syrinx shaking the foundations of what was in place. If the younger woman was at all aware of chaos she would understand that it was the most enticing direction to take. ?

?He listened to her explain her ideal world and a smirk presented itself across his lips, "I have every reason in the world to rip your limbs from your body and smile while you scream in agony for me. A slow-intimate death; mind you. You tore the one goal I had from me and it was keeping my
Family safe and together,"
how dare she change his goals as his ideals. Evil. Still, he had more beyond such a drab goal now (the focus was the same) "but I won't because you're valuable. You changed things in my head. You causes chaos in me. I have a need to protect only my family. That was the task my father left to me. You may or may not understand familial loyalty, but watch me and you'll understand the depths it runs in even the most envisioned minds," syrinx had never been less than bold--and yet today was a new extreme. "you aren't mad. You're an enthusiast for chaos,"?

He felt as though he were gracious for bringing such a thing to light. The Arkhos was a fiend and a ruffian to everyone, but he ?could find that in his temperament there was likeableness. Though, he did find the grains of truth in the fact that if someone found appeal in the red man--they likely had some ounce of dark inhibition.?
