
for the love of god help me D:



04-27-2014, 09:07 AM

The crisp chill of autumn was upon them, nights became cold and frost coated the ground. Everything seemed to sound loud in the stilled air or dawn. The cloud of visible breath leaving her parting muzzle only worried her. Soon winter would be here along with sickness and shortage of prey. For a pack this size it meant gathering all she could. Thank fully they had a lot of healers in the pack. She would need to gather them soon to go over a plan for winter. She needed to be in the loop of who was currently sick and the such.

The dawn found her roaming through Valhalla with no set destination. She was used to getting up early for a good start of harvesting herbs. But now that her stocks were overfull she didn't need to do that. But the habit of waking early did not cease. She wasn't sure how long time had passed when a call ran out. Head tilted to the side trying to place that voice till she thought of the black male Shilah and she had assisted. Shaking out her dark fur, now thick and plush for winter, she set off. Before she came to the scene the cries of hungry young pups perked her ears up. What were pups doing out here when rain would surely break soon? Her paws moved faster, frantic till he saw them. Sliding to a stop next to Baldur her sky blue gaze landed on Loki before the pups and back up to him again. Loki..i don't know where you got these pups but they need their mother's milk. They are far too young to be without her and surely they are cold. She took two steps forwards. Her gaze trapped on the little bundles. Sighing with longing and a tenderness only shown towards pups she moved in.

Laying down before Loki she looked back up at him, eyes slightly hard.Let me see them and give them an over all check while you explain. She said. It wasn't a question but a demand. Her demand to do her job as Primary Eta and a Den Mother since she was a yearling. She cared not if he argued, she snap at him. Slowly she reached for a pup to pull towards her belly to keep it warm and inspect it eyes, nose, ears, and every nook and cranny on a pup. Once satisfied the pup was healthy she gave it a few licks the warm the body before turning her gaze to Loki for another pup.
