
for the love of god help me D:



10 Years
04-27-2014, 09:35 AM

The weather that was brewing above made most of the Vahalla wolves remain in their dens. Rain that was potentially combined with harsh winds and the chilling air of autumn made the atmosphere that much more annoying to walk through. Fortunately, Odette was not like most of her pack members. She preferred to do what others were hesitant to attempt, so this explained why she was out on her own. The rain had not come yet, but she knew it would any minute. More of a challenge for the stubborn yearling!

Odette had decided to take a small break from warrior training that morning. She had neglected both hunting and healing lessons, so she intended to learn from Imena that day. The decision hadn't been discussef, making Odette hopd that the female would not be busy. Her nose twitched as she found Imena's scent, which stretched across the Plains to one of their borders. She followed it at a leisurely pace, hoping to find her there.
What she came upon was a huddle of wolves. She inmediately recognized her pack mates, but not the dark male with four little bundles. Her eyebrows rose and as she reached the small group, she caught the end of what Imena said. Odette found herself walking to Baldur's right side, where she brushed herself against him until she ceased her walk. Red and blue eyes looked at Baldur in silent awe, questioning what was taking place. Her gaze then moved to Imena and she assessed what the lead healer was doing. A soft clear of her throat let Imena know of her presence and if their eyes met, the older fae would know Odette was willing to help in any way possible. Lesson one was on its way to start!



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