
Baby daddy do you wrong?

Sucre I


04-27-2014, 11:16 AM
Ate the bread that once was stone

Fell from a cliff, never broke a bone

Alarm flared up inside of him, making him cold. Her response was quick, far too quick, as if she'd been thinking about it for awhile, and it made him sick to his stomach. Of course, her end of this...ah, matter was far harder than his. He could walk away from them immediately if he chose to; she had to deal with them for much longer. On his end they could be forgotten, she had time to think about them. To an extent it made sense to Sucre that she'd thought about what to do with them; if he were in her situation the thought might have crossed his mind, at least in passing, but to be so serious about it? Could a mother really kill her babies?

?I...? He was at a loss for words. If she did what she wanted she could go back to the way she was before. Sucre could walk away now and nothing would change for him. Or would it? He would know. Even now the idea of of just going gnawed at him. What would it be like if he actually did it? The brute absolutely did not want the responsibility of fatherhood, but they, his children, were life created in part by him. If he were to walk away now, would he not be like his own father? Surely he was better than that, if only by a little.

He was not his father. ?If you are set against keeping them, I'll take them. Perhaps in exchange for them, I could be of assistance until they're born?? He might be sick; just up and vomit all over her paws. Or pass out. Maybe both? ?Hunting and the like...whatever you need.? Anything, really.

Bowed down to get the kings overthrownSucre