
Playing the Victim



04-01-2013, 09:55 AM

His words, for some reason they made her happy to hear. Perhaps it was because the last they met such things were not said, or maybe she had not heard them in a long time. Even though she was a Healer, Seracia' Baroness. Yes they thanked her for helping but, they had to because she was apart of the pack. Bronze wasn't, he could have just laid there and not thank her. Maybe that was why it made her feel good, that he was thanking her even when he didn't have to. No matter what it was she gave a nod of her head, grey eyes looking over the job she did.

Then he answered her question, some assistance would be nice. Loccian gave a nod of her head, pushing herself up and waiting for him to start moving. She stood beside him, not wanting to just right up touch him in case it would bother him. She watched as his legs shook, it was then that she moved, lightly pressing her shoulder against his non-injured side. There might be a hollow fallen tree nearby where we can stop, if not then we can stop and I'll look for a place for you. She spoke softly, paws moving forward slowly, not wanting to rush him.

Hopefully they did find a spot right away, she didn't wanna be out looking too long and leave him by himself. Yeah he was big and a male but right now he was vulnerable and weak. Thinking about this, an idea was brought up. Maybe she could catch something for him to eat, nothing large, just something small to snack on and at least ease some of that stomach. She would like something to eat too but she would wanna get something for him first, hopefully he wouldn't mind or reject her kind offering.


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