
for the love of god help me D:



4 Years
04-27-2014, 04:23 PM

A pair of startled green eyes popped open. Loki? Thor rolled to his paws and stood with his nosed lifted; drawing in several huffs of air. The call was unmistakable--it definitely was him--but what on earth was Loki doing in Valhalla? He sounded as if he needed help, but come on, it was Loki. When did he ever call for help? Thor froze. He might ask for it if he had no other choice. Quickly, Thor lit out across the terra in search of his brother.

Reaching the huddle of wolves, Thor shouldered his way into the group. "What's going on? Is everything..." He trailed off as his eyes fell upon the cluster of puppies. Uh...what? His eyes went to Loki and his brain misfired, piecing together a string of sounds that made absolutely no sense but fell out of his mouth before he could stop them. "Whurdjuwgeht-" Mouth and eyes slamming shut, Thor shook his head to clear it and then tried again. "Where did you get those?" His ears flicked back. In the old pack they just took whatever they wanted, but why would he want puppies? Suspicious, he asked, "Where's their mother?" Not for one second did he consider the idea that Loki might have a mate.

Tentatively, Thor stretched out his neck to sniff one of the puppies in the same manner he would use to check out a potentially dangerous animal. They didn't smell like a pack or anything. Or...well, maybe they did, he wasn't sure, mostly they just smelled like babies and Loki, which was a potent combination. His brief examination over, the brute straightened and fixed his eyes on Loki. He couldn't wait for the story his brother had to tell.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]