
Disjointed Children


04-27-2014, 04:31 PM

Wrath. It's that one simple five letter word that can drive the most sane person to their limits. Of course, ones who have that ultimate control over their emotions, that surely is not a problem for Sinister. I mean, for someone so demonic and hell bound then wouldn't you think the same? She is fire... She is death. She will not rest until everyone around her parishes, until the sky is filled with smaug and burning debris. The sight of fire bringing trees aflame and the holy earth below her paws crackles and pops with agony of desolation. She'd rather watch the flames plummet this very world with her back turned to those who ever opposed her..

Something roared inside of Sinister, promising blood and death. A raging thunder played on repeatedly in her head, almost like a war was prevailing in the dark depths of her mind. It could definitely been seen through her depthless oculars that shown the devil in them. As she was silently standing alone, her tail lashed out at her sides while her ears twitched with unease. In the distance she could hear someone approaching, a male if she were correct. The smell of him was thick in the air, sending his horrid metallic odder to her now flaring nostrils. The whites in her eyes shown more so than usual, sending her heart rate into a frenzy. Muscles knitting together and broad shoulders rounding by the second, and yet still she was as calm and care-free as she could put on.

When the male neared closer, she knew he was coming up behind her in matter of seconds which only made her tilt that enormous crown of hers to one side. She met him with a brush of her masculine frame against his, instantly tensing her rippling muscles at his very touch. Sure, she wasn't surprised when the brute dropped her victims heart at her feet, for he did smell of the male she had murdered. But that wasn't what was on her mind at the time, what really was is the fact to why he was saying 'we'. Whose we? There is no one else around but him and I? Sinister thought to herself with a silent crucifix. The brute was talking in third person, which seemed a bit off to her for he was the only one standing beside her.. Or was this she-wolf that blind that she couldn't see another presense? No, it was just a fact that this male was mad, madder than Sinister and her caged demon combined.

Taking in a deep breath, only to exhale with a harsh sigh and venomous words that oozed with maximum lust and pure rage. " Might I ask, why are you following me like a lost puppy dog and who is 'we'? You talking in riddles and it's making you look like a fool.."
