"I am not," For whatever reason this crazy female still seemed to think that they knew each other. How on earth was that possibly when he had no idea who on earth she was? Clearly she was mistaken in some form or another, whether she had gotten him mixed up with another or was perhaps inventing stories about strangers, pretending that she somehow knew them. Truth be told if she carried on insisting that she wasn't wrong, Iorwerth wasn't sure he really wanted to stay around her all that much longer.
Suddenly though she would calm and Iorwerth hoped that would be the end of it. The strange woman would leave him alone and he'd go back to, well he wasn't really sure to be honest but he'd figure it out. "Hey, we should really get you to a healer or something," He frowned at the suggestion. He was not wounded enough to go crying to some healer, what on earth were they really going to do anyway? A ridiculous idea in his mind, one that matched her silly fantasy that they knew each other. "I mean, if you fell hard enough to not remember anything, that seems pretty serious."
Somewhere he knew she had a point, though there was a fierce pride within him that didn't want to admit she was right. There really was no arguing with the problem that he couldn't recall his own life, something did feel rather odd about that the more he thought about it; he wasn't a child he should have done all sorts of things but he couldn't remember a single one. "I don't need a healer." He declared stubbornly. "But fine, if it'll shut you up I'll come with you." He would have rather gotten away but secretly there was a part of him growing a little more scared about the lack of memories.