
Disjointed Children


04-27-2014, 05:24 PM

She dared to touch him. This alone made the male sluggishly blink. Missing though was the irrational anger that usually followed when a lesser wolf tried to touch him. Something about her touching him didn?t set of the kill switch that often engaged inside of his intellect. Though, his ears began to push back against his head, pinning there as his gaze leisurely traverses the curves of her form as he leans his weight into her during the passing. The male does push into her, his side sliding along her as he stretches his neck out, running his gore covered muzzle against the fur along her flank. His tongue did slowly move across his fangs once more, nostrils deeply inhaling her aroma that brought the creature?s blood to a low simmer. This was just a prelude to demented foreplay, an acknowledgment of her touch, a sign that he would not attempt to butcher this one here tonight, in the silence of the darkness.

The tensing of her muscles did not go unnoticed by the blood induced male, and his reaction?the sweep of his tongue along stained lips, the vibration of his vocal cords in pleasure as he rumbles. His lips begin to slowly curl back, a smile making its way onto his lips as his jaws split to only snap together. Her words where ignored for a moment, his eyes instead began to devour her, from her flanks and then up and along her spine, only to finally come and rest upon her features.

Her rage that flowed from between her lips made him curl back his lips at her, emotions did not stir across his face until after she was done. The man was blank, his ears vacuuming up her words, his mind dissecting their meaning like his fangs did that corpse. The heavy coating of lust though did make him turn his head as his muscles shudder under his thick coat.

Still he remains silent for a moment longer, his leg leading as his paw pushes quietly against the ground as he turns himself about, his head drawing near her shoulder, his eyes dancing along the curve of her neck before he slowly shakes his head. ?We, in the tense of su-peri-or beings, as in to those we deem beneath us.? Decisively the answer to her second question finally comes, seeping from his lips.

?But.? His rattling whisper creeps from his lips and into the darkness. ?I see you, for what you really are, so I will address you as such.? The pattern of his speech smoothens a moment as he strings the sentence together effortlessly. Grey eyes suddenly flash, his haunches hovering just above the ground as his hind legs separate, hind claws digging into the soil as he regains his balance.

His throat vibrates once more, his right leg bringing his paw to hover as well just above the ground as he lowers his head to align with his top of his chest. ?Make no mistake, you have my attention, fonak.?