
Disjointed Children


04-27-2014, 06:53 PM

There was something sinister, and predominantly erotic about bloodshed, perhaps it was the way it slowly made it?s way through a thick coat of fur? Maybe it was just the way the secret seemed to bait out the worst intentions an individual could have? It mattered not, the blood was coursing through his veins and was acting as a constant reminder that here within this same area with him was a female that would and could butcher others just as well if not better than he. She was something he would have to obtain for himself.

This thought alone was what made him move forward, almost as if he was slinking and had all the time in the world to get there. But the flash of fangs from the lady made him pause, the low hum of another bloodletting made him sweep his tongue across his fangs and position just at the junction of his lips. That was until her jaws came at his snout. His head suddenly dropped down and to the right, then sharply swung upward as her fangs slide across the left side of his snout.

Injury. Though the nerves along the wound cried in anguish, his features stilled for a moment as he drew himself up to his full height, his eyes slowly sliding to the corners of sockets as he regards her in a stirring silence. Gradually his lips pull away from canines, tongue sliding rapidly against them as the vibrations of his irate rumble racks his body.

Salvia slowly pours between the slight separation of his jaws, muscles tense and sent on end as he was defied. Of course she won?t just submit. His minds tugs at the chains of his own sanity as he squares off with the vixen. But still he stays his jaws from snapping toward her neck, not yet allowing himself to afflict harm. ?Nor do I care anything about your past,? the enraged testosterone induced male rumbles, his lips curled into a snarl as his body remains on the verge of stillness brought on by vengeance.

?Rules?? He echoes roughly, the word ending with a snarl as he pushes his weight forward taking another step toward the female as his tail curls upward behind him. Play? Pl-ah. That was one word the male knew quiet well, and was positively fond of. That one word alone brought his lips down back to cover his teeth, ears flicking away from his head and toward her as blazing eyes regard her in a sadistically curious manner. ?Pl-ah, what rules shall we pl-ah by?? He crones forebodingly.