



6 Years
04-27-2014, 07:37 PM

The pair stood in the shallows, sopping wet. Azalea's fur clung to her, making visible what her fur had been so good at hiding. She had slimmed down, lost some of her shape. Being a loner was not suited to her but at least she was a decent hunter.

He spoke her name and her tail rallied to send bullets of water in either direction. He held her close, so their hearts could feel each other beat in their chests. She smiled faintly, taking in his scent. Home, amplified by the water. ?You came back. A bad mate never returns after he or she vanishes.? The Adravendi woman couldn't be sure if she agreed with him. She felt like the worst.

His shock to her words made her grin like a fox. ?Who would ever be able to replace you?? There was a look of selfish pleasure that lit her eyes at that, so happy to know that he could think of no one else but her. ?I would wait for eternity for you to come back; even death wouldn?t stop me from that.? His intensity made her stop, going still and her grin leaving. She blinked and suddenly they were nose to nose.

Her nose tipped down, looking like a swan in water as she stood with her nose pressed to the dark male's. ?I love you. And I will say it time and time again.? She stared into his eyes. "Yeah? Cause its been a while and I could do for hearing it a few more times." At that Azalea grinned, skipping backward in the water, almost losing her balance before rocketing forward to escape the liquid depths and come ashore.

Shaking out her sodden coat, she turned to Sarak before looking around. "You know, this is where I was born. Pretty weird to think about... How is everything, everyone?" Azalea still didn't like the idea of birth at all, recalling too very well the world of pain and grossness it had brought upon her. Her mother had always thought of it as a beautiful thing.

As she seg-wayed into reality it was clear that she wanted to know what had become of Soren and Kismet. That was not all she wanted to know, though, she wanted to know of her siblings and parents and aunts and pack. She wanted to know what Alacritia was up to, what had changed.