
Little Wolf


04-27-2014, 07:50 PM

Silver audits twitched, causing her to lift her crown. The voice that rang out was one that she would never forget. So her brother had returned. The Queen would rise, leaving Kylar's blanket of warmth to find out just what her brother wanted. Silver limbs carried the impressive woman toward her borders, her moves languid as she navigated her home silently. Her brother scent invaded her nostrils, just as tantalizing as ever. She would move at a constant pace until she stood only a few feet from, emerging from the mists of her home like a ghost. "Well look what the cat dragged in."

He had been gone for long she thought he was certainly dead, killed by some vengeful wolf. But her brother would never die at the jaws of another, it just wasn't possible. He stood before her, still much larger than herself, his pelt bloodied by someone unfortunate soul who was most certainly dead now. A slow grin would twist her features as coral pools raked his body from head to toe. Her gaze would drift only to his companion for a brief moment, surprised that the cat was still alive. "Bored with life again?" There was little that could keep her brothers attention for long, except for her of course. He always returned to her.

However, when she met her brothers cyan gaze, something had changed. No longer did she crave his touch like a drug addict, and her pregnancy had nothing to do with it, but rather another man. The Queen fell silent, waiting for her brothers smartass remarks. She wondered if maybe he had come to join her pack finally. While his presence was welcomed, he was far to late to come for power. Her ranks where filling out nicely, and everyone had settled in, including herself. Her brother, however, was bound to change that. Her desire for blood had dwindled, her time occupied with other things most of the time. But even just the mere thought had desire burning in her veins. Oh how she missed the cries for mercy, the taste of blood, the power of ending anthers life.