
I Know


04-27-2014, 07:52 PM

She wasn't exactly sure why she had called to him. Perhaps it was to distract herself from Irune's absence, perhaps it was to simply meet the child of Azalea and Isardis. She wasn't sure, and the fact that he questioned it- made it important that she come up with some satisfying answer. Her golden eyes strayed over his form, taking in his white coat and nearly tan markings that were like a ghosted image of his mother. "Why did you come? " She returned with a challenge but went on speaking, her tone softening. "I don't know why I called to you now, but take my offer of help should you need it here, Kismet. I'm a healer, and a friend . I'm not a miracle worker- I can't help you escape lest I get us both killed, but I want to help you in any way that I can- and keep you safe." A pause follows her words, "I owe the Valhallan wolves the life of my daughter. If helping to see that you are properly cared for is the only way I can repay them, I would like to do that."

She looks away from him, and then speaks again. "I am a healer, a friend- I swear on the life of my daughter and the debt I owe to the Valhallan wolves that I will not let any harm come to you as long as you reside under my care." Golden eyes search for his, "Let me help you." She practically begs.
