
Come One, Come All



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-27-2014, 08:05 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2014, 11:08 AM by Erani.)
(OoC: This thread is open to all allies or potential allies, rogue, creature and pack. So wolves like those living outside the borders, creatures, like Obsidian, Rikku, Laila, and so on, or rogues, like Conall, Libra, and such; basically, anyone who has been welcomed by Valhalla, or Erani likes. ;) Be a good way for Valhalla to meet their outside friends and get to know each other, and a way to make buddies to help during sieges, and for allies to get some info.)

Erani Adravendi

Erani padded lightly into Valhallan lands, shaking out her snowy fur as the feeling of home settled in. Her trip with Jinxx to the rift in Alacritia that the earthquake had opened had been eventful to say the least. They had run across the Queen of Glaciem, Sendoa Armada, injured by a splash of molten stone from a lava river underground. Erani was pleased with the outcome of that encounter, the first time in a while she could say she was pleased about something to do with Glaciem. A peace Treaty, two years to gain strength in Valhalla, and train an heir to take her place. She had decided that Surreal would take her place. Surreal loved Valhalla with all her heart, and would do her best to keep Erani?s values strong after Erani was no longer of the living realm.

The return of Soren and Kismet Adravendi had been secured as well as a peace treaty, and the Glaciem Queen safely returned home. Erani knew exactly whom she would send to collect them. Yes, Erani had a great deal to tell her pack, and that was just the tip of the iceberg. There were ideas spinning through her head, of ranks and such, and there was the Trial and Execution of Twigs rapist to plan. Twig was well enough to play her part, however much the female didn?t wish to see the male again.

Erani turned her head, peering over her shoulder for Jinxx as she headed toward the gathering stone. ?Quite the trip, mm?? Her tones were warm, before she leapt to settle on the large flat boulder, deep blue pools sweeping the currently deserted plains; deserted save for herself and Jinxx. How would her pack take the new she had to tell them? She would have to see. There were returned members; Meili and Gael, and Vahva, though her absence had been brief. New members; Baldur, Thor, Emer, and her newborn children, and perhaps more. So much to tell her great family?

Her head tilted back, voice rising over the morning lit territory as the sun broke over the horizon, shedding its warm rays across the land. She called to all of those who made up Valhalla, and to those who were welcome to visit as they pleased, and to the allied creatures; Laila, Obsidian, and Obsidian?s adopted daughter, Rikku. She would brief them all with her news, and perhaps they would have news of their own to announce?

Her song ended, and her muzzle lowered, head raised high to greet the morning light.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think