
Disjointed Children


04-27-2014, 08:18 PM

Imonde's speech

Lust. Pride. Envy. Wrath. As Sinister is all these four things, there is just one she is utterly brilliant at manipulating. Which, you've guessed it, wrath. She has that caliber of a brutal serial killer that is just waiting to be realized, it's clawing at the layers of flesh it's caged behind. The growls of anger and anticipation began to rumble inside the she-wolf's throat. Nothing so cold and lifeless like hers could ever be mustered by any, except herself. As the males voice rose in her ear drums, his tone ripping at the annoyance she had for him.

?Nor do I care anything about your past,?

His voice was like nails on a chalk board, she wanted to simply reach out with her already bared fangs and tear his entire jugular out. Though, what would be best is to cut him up, tear out his heart and wear it as her own special amulet then hang him by his intestines from a tree. And the monster that played puppet with her strings wanted to sate it's hunger with his blood, feel the hot liquid scorch it's throat as it trickled down. And that will soon come, right after Sinister eats his words and throw them back at him.

" Oh how lovely your going to taste, that thick coat of yours shall soon be drenched with your blood as I devour you from the inside-out."

Circling him now, Sinister allowed a sinful grin start to parade across her angelic yet devious features. As she moved, her muscle alignments did the same, in reminiscence of her own melody. Chuckling evilly, having that insane laughter of a psychopath; whom she was of course. While circling the male continuously, she simply listened to his foretelling secrets, they poured out of him like a tidal wave. She could sense his self-preservation of humanity, they both had none left which made the two a deathly source of killers among each other. The male's words only made her crackling laughter start up again.


Having quite enough of these foolish games he was playing, Sinister found herself halting in front of him once more. Her colossal frame towered like a sky scraper, glaring deep into his soul as she watched the withered demon inside of him coiled up in a prison just likes hers. A smirk replaced her emotionless expression, only for the slightest moment, then returning back to it's usual reference. Her words seemed to slip through a barrier, like they almost never wanted to fall from her lips but they had anyways. And with such violence.

" I could tell you to go hell, but it's empty. For all of them are here, around us.. Can't feel their presence boring deeper into your very being? I can, so, let's play a game. Let's see who can last the longest in a cauldron of despair. You wanna play by my rules, eh? Let's see if you can handle them first."

She wasted no time in attacking, her moves were graceful and yet oh-so powerful. She aimed to bring him down with her own boulder-like weight, her massive frame going to crash into his so that she could claim the most righteous punishment by grasping hold of his throat and not dare to let go until she saw blood flash in her silver oculars. But that was even if she got a grasp on him first, all he had to do was dodge her attack -- though even if he did she'd come back with much more brutality.

Walk,"Talk", Think