
I need this old train to breakdown



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-27-2014, 08:59 PM
Erani Adravendi

Erani?s question was answered with an affirmative, though she could see that Emer wasn?t entirely sure of her feelings on the unborn litter; a litter conceived by rape. She didn?t blame Emer at all. The children could easily become reminders of one horrific, emotionally tearing moment in Emer?s life. But she admired that the female was willing to give the unborn pups a chance at life. Emer?s question was answered with a gentle smile. ?Yes, of course. You, and any you birth are welcome to live in Valhalla.? And hopefully, someday, Emer would find a male who would gain her trust and heart, and be able to settle down happily, with no fear that she would ever be harmed again.

Erani turned, indicating that Emer should follow, and meandered toward her own den. ?I have some things to run across with you. Herbs to facilitate a healthy pregnancy and strong litter. And your future here in Valhalla.? Her head canted to the side, one deep blue eye regarding the smaller female. ?I was wondering; what are you best at in life? Are you a healer, or perhaps a hunter? Your build says you could be a fine hunter with training, if you aren?t already.? Her tail waved fluidly through the air behind her, a gesture at all the land surrounding them as she walked. ?Valhalla had fewer wolves that have the main vocation of hunting than I care to admit.? Her velvet toned voice was ruefully amused. ?And I?m sure Ashtoreth would love as many helping paws as she can get.? She cast Emer a smile.

?This is one thing I would like you to consider; what you want to do in Valhalla, once you?ve regained your form after the birthing. When they are old enough, your pups will be mentored in whatever they wish, if you still wish to reside in Valhalla by that time.?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think