


3 Years
04-27-2014, 10:48 PM
He would be momentarily calmed by the warmth that still came from her body, and the gentle heartbeat that he could feel still pounding beneath her skin. As he forced himself to calm down, he noticed that she was still, albeit slowly, breathing - and so he would sigh in relief. The fall had not taken her from him. Sibelle was alive - and he would get her out of here... he just wasn't quite sure how yet. Her eyes would flutter open and he would meet her eyes immediately, glad to hear her voice even for a moment. "It's okay Sibelle, you are going to be alright." He would say - but honestly he wasn't sure how either of them were going to get out of this.

The way they came in was a messy cave in - and although he could just see the sky above him, it didn't seem like way that he could carry Sibelle out... especially with his ankle in bad shape. But he had told the russet woman now, that things would be alright. He would fulfill his word, for Sibelle's sake and his own. She seemed to need his help as much as he needed her... "You fell, and I came after you..." It hadn't exactly been a rescue - because he was just as stuck as she was, but he couldn't bear to leave her to face this alone. Besides, regardless of how odd a move it had been, to come in after her opposed to finding another way in or waiting until the rocks settled - he would do it again.

"Ve 'ave to find another way out." It was eerily reminisce of how they became stuck in the ship a while back. She was injured, they were stuck - and the way they came in didn't seem like it would make for their way out. This time though, he was limping and Sibelle's head was bleeding - what a sight for sore eyes they were. "Can you stand?" If she couldn't... well, maybe he would attempt to make the climb. She was a bit taller than he was, and quite possibly built heavier as she had more of a fighter's build than he did - but regardless of any sort of size differences he would not leave her here. If the only place to go was up then that was where they were headed.