


04-27-2014, 10:59 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Unlike her brother, who had accepted her as she was, regardless of temper and bluntness and an inability to care, this male was different. He was not so strongly a match for him as she had first thought, pushing his views that you needed friends for strength, for help during troubling times. Yin could not disagree more. Friends were a waste; they were only good for as long as they were within your sight, but the moment they left they were gone, deemed unreliable and therefore untrustworthy. How could she depend on people - her brother and friend included - when they vanished so quickly, and for so long?

She was quick to point it out too. "Because they left," Yin argued, her tone growing slightly more aggravated now that the conversation - which she had wanted no part of - had dredged up unwanted thoughts. "Those "friends" you speak so highly of. They left me, not the other way around."

He glanced away, still so full of his words and that disgusting charity that the white wolf found herself becoming irritated again. He knew nothing. He was clueless just how heartless everyone else could be, how selfishly they could abandon her without any forewarning. And it aggravated her. He spoke one last time, quietly, and turned as if to leave, getting a distance away before he stopped and cast another glance her way. As if he was still waiting on her response, Yin called out to him, "They don't deserve it," and fell quiet, ready to watch him leave if he really intended to.