
custos [Tortuga join?]



8 Years
04-27-2014, 11:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2014, 11:35 PM by Qanik.)


in defense of the innocent

Qanik wasn't really surprised when Misha and the stranger both stated that she was seeking membership in the past, though she was pleased. They were only confirming a suspicion she'd had when Misha had called for her to begin with. She offered a smile to the woman, cautious but friendly. She could see no reason to turn down a potential member of such broad skill sets; indeed she heartily welcomed the idea. "We are in need of a trained healer at the moment, and a teacher for our current healer-in-training," she allowed, "though we do encourage our members to be well-rounded so you would not be expected to focus solely on any one thing and you would certainly be welcomed as a guardian." She regarded the woman quietly a moment, finding that her mind was already made up, then added, "if it is your wish to join, Elli, then I am glad to welcome you to Tortuga. I would like to see you demonstrate your skills some day soon so I can evaluate you and we can discuss in more detail where you would be happiest in the pack, but for now... Concentrate on setting in. Please do not hesitate to call for me if you have any problems or concerns. And Misha," she added, turning her head to the young wolf and smiling, "you've done quite well today. Thank you. Now, unless there's anything else...?" she cocked her head to the side, regarding them both to see if either had anything to add.

OOC: A little abrupt, sorry, but I figured you'd probably want to get started playing as a Tortugan sooner rather than later. :) We can continue this thread if Elli or Misha have anything to talk to her about, or if you want to end it feel free to just exit. :D


cowardice is the only sin