
Playing the Victim

Bronze i


12 Years
04-01-2013, 10:36 AM
Was this what growing old felt like? Or was he mistaking injury with age? He was used to the loneliness, the independence, but the helplessness was something new to him. He tried to convince himself that he would've been fine had Loccian not found him -- perhaps his wounds would've taken longer to heal, and perhaps they might've even gotten infected, but surely he would've survived. Right? Upon slight reflection, Bronze realized that wasn't sure what would've happened to him had she not tended to those wounds. What if infection had set in, traveling dee[ into his bones? Would he have died, right here, by this lake?

Such thoughts were difficult to bear, and so he shook his muzzle gently as though it would physically remove the thoughts from his head. The quivering of his limbs seemed to frustrate him, and he grew slightly agitated as he struggled upright and began to walk. The annoyance was not directed at Loccian whatsoever; he let out a grateful sigh when she leaned into his uninjured side, obviously grateful for the help. He was careful to not let all of his weight lean on her, for she was much smaller than him, but even the slightest pressure seemed to alleviate some of the pain.

"Just move away when you find a good place for us to stop," his tones were dancing with slight jest, and he laughed a bit. "I'll probably fall right over. Save me the effort of lying down."

He hoped his joke would not fall on deaf ears. And if it did? It wouldn't be anything new. The smile slowly faded, a more determined expression overcoming his scarred facade as they continued on, one slow step at a time. Before long, Bronze was unsurprised to find a fallen tree -- Loccian had probably spotted it earlier. With care, the male lowered his large frame onto the earth. Despite the aches that plagued his body, the feeling of the newly-grown grass on his belly was nothing short of pleasant. Overhead the sun shone down relentlessly, the birds perched contently on the branches of trees all around, chirping merrily. "This is a good spot," he breathed surely, smiling gently at her.

At least the snow was gone -- that was always a plus.