
Soothing waters, soothing company



7 Years
04-27-2014, 11:40 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The downward look that he made was so coyly done, so convincing, and yet when his single blue-eyed gaze rose to meet her own she could feel the mischievousness within it, his intent written clearly behind that smile. She knew him better than to think his actions had been entirely innocent, that he honestly had no idea what he was doing when he had risen over her simply to set a flower behind her ear. No, he was an experienced wolf, as passionate as she was. He must have known, must have known and had been waiting for her to respond in this manner before he had even risen off the ground after fetching the beautiful bloom. But knowing it was all part of a plan was of no consequence anymore. He might have ignited the spark but she was going to fuel it, until even he could not deny the fire any longer. But, knowing them, she doubted it would be too difficult.

Such a casual tone as he asked his question, playing cool while she warred with desire. "I believe you know exactly what you can do," Tahlia murmured with smooth confidence, an impish smile of her own set upon her muzzle as he touched her nose with his. Her dark gold gaze was still on him as he moved away, retreating a few feet to drop into a play bow meant to incite her into following before he drifted away further. Tail giving a few eager wags, the russet and black wolf gave chase, a sudden giddy laugh escaping her. She had missed these private moments alone with Bane, moments when they were no longer father and mother but husband and wife. They were few and far between really, what with the newborns needing constant care, but soon they would be grown. Soon they would have more time together than they would know what to do with. Tahlia looked forward to it.

Her own loping gait was bringing her closer to her husband ahead of her, leading their chase along. On impulse, as she came up beside him she leaped, intending to topple him over and end their race away from prying eyes, but her timing had been poor. Rather than land upon the forest floor, they tumbled on down the slope, landing in a tangled heap at its base.