
I need this old train to breakdown



7 Years
04-28-2014, 05:29 AM

Truth be told Emer was a little fearful of the response that she might receive from Erani. What if she said no? She was relying so much upon the help of the wolves of Valhalla right now, her horrifying experience had also left her feeling so inadequate, impossible of caring for herself. It really was astounding that she was so adamant on keeping the pups with that thought in mind, but without Valhalla did they really stand a chance at survival. Did she?

?Yes, of course. You, and any you birth are welcome to live in Valhalla.? For Emer, it seemed to have taken quite some time for the words to finally leave Erani's lips though relief flooded through her at the answer. They could stay, they had a chance. "Thank you." The gracious words would softly leave her lips, clearly conveying her emotion in them.

Emer certainly hadn't had any more to say beyond that, but as Erani motioned for her to follow and began speaking once more, it appeared that the alpha had wished to speak with her anyway. The herbs she supposed were logical, she had already begun to force herself to try be healthier for the sake of the unborn children, anything that would help them and herself was welcomed. That wasn't all however, and the talk of rank was one that Emer found a little harder to think about.

Though she by no means tried to shy away from responsibility, right now, feeling so useless she couldn't imagine doing anything to benefit the pack. Additionally though they had shown her nothing but kindness quietly accepted she wanted her space, Emer still wasn't sure she felt ready to socialise. She had time, Erani had already made that clear but her mind had clouded over with negativity once more.

"I don't know." She replied hesitantly. That feeling of relief had faded already now replaced with doubt, guilt and worry. "I guess I could hunt." She'd never trained to be a healer and certainly was capable of feeding herself and could surely do the same for others. She knew she had to give back to them, but the thought simply terrified her at the moment. She felt like a complete failure, to herself, her family and now Valhalla too.