
Little Wolf


04-28-2014, 11:33 AM

Is there a problem, Demyan? Her silken purr was full of mock innocence, testing the beast's already thin control. She knew damn fucking well that he would have a problem with her being with another man, just like she would have a problem with him being with another woman. If he recalled correctly, she had tried to kill the ebony & ivory nymph that had had grown somewhat attached to all that time ago. For some reason beyond his knowledge he had protected the girl with his life but hadn't stopped Cataleya from threatening her life every chance that she got. Did she really think that she would be able to get away with being with someone else without telling him? Not that it would've made it any better to tell him that she was going to be with everyone else, but the point was that Demyan was not having this shit. Not at all.

Why are you here? It was such a bland question, to be expected after having been gone for so long. Lids would fall closed over steeled cyan eyes as the monster took a breath, channeling the rage that was coursing through his veins. When he opened his eyes again, he was the perfect picture of calm, a cynical smirk twisting his bloodied features as his cocky attitude returned. I came back to check on my dear little sister, but it seems that you've been just fine without me. He would murmur huskily, completely disregarding her touch as he moved over the border, circling the silver woman. A dark laugh would vibrate through him as he circled her, Nickolai watching with interest in his golden eyes. You've gone soft Cataleya. You really think you can run a pack? Do your little bitches know that you kill for fun? That whenever you're around them you thirst for their blood? A mock gasp would rush through his lips as he paused behind her, eyes glinting maliciously. Or has your thirst for blood disappeared all together? Because if that's the case then I can no longer call you sister. My sister was never this soft. Ever. I had a momentary lapse, but I came back from it, much stronger than before. Will this be just a phase or has the Cataleya I knew gone for good? His voice would take on a serious note towards the end as he came to stand before her again, one eyebrow raised questioningly as he stared her down.

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